Adrian Merz – Executive Creative Director


graubünden tourism

Pre-Sale only
for Grandparents.

To launch the long-awaited sequel to the bestselling children’s book Gian und Giachen, we introduce a heart-warming and exclusive pre-sale only for grandparents. Three weeks before the official sales launch, only grandparents are able to buy the sought-after children's book and look forward to a guaranteed visit from the little ones. Obviously only if they prove their grandparent status as with family photos, children’s drawings or even by bringing their grandchild to the bookshop.




Commercial to activate all the Swiss grandparents:

Hordes of grandparents homed in on the bookshops from the very first day of the pre-sale. Where they could confirm their grandparent status with family photos, children’s drawings or even by bringing their grandchild to the bookshop. 


orell füssli bookstores

“We were overrun by grandparents and completely sold out within only 12 days.”



adc switzerland

1 Silver, 1 Shortlist

crossmedia award

1 Gold

Clio Awards

1 Bronze

Epica awards

1 Bronze

Cannes lions

1 Shortlist

best of swiss web

1 Bronze

SDV award

1 Master, 1 Gold, 1 Silver

New york festivalS

2 Finalist